Start investing

The sooner you start to invest, the better. Make your own choices and discover what feels good when investing. Choose whether you want to invest on your own or if you want us to do the work. If you already know, start investing right away!

Start investing and choose one of our two investment solutions

If you can’t make a choice yet, no problem. Let us help you with the short test below. You will quickly know which investment service suits you best.

|me> managed

I'll let you do the work

|me> solo

I invest on my own

Browse our extensive range of bonds, ETFs, equities and funds

Hulp nodig?

Ga je liever zelf beleggen of laat je het aan de experts over? Doe de korte test hiernaast en weet in een paar stappen welk beleggingsproduct bij jou past.

We work with the best partners in the market

Short overview of what we offer

To be able to invest well, you have to know which options are available to you. We will lay them out for you clearly and in a simple way, so that you have everything you need to make informed choices.


Investment funds consist of multiple investments. The big difference with ETFs is that an investment fund is actively managed by finance professionals, aiming at better returns. That is why investment funds are usually more expensive than ETFs. Through MeSolo, you can choose from our wide range of investment funds.


When you invest in equities, you directly invest in a company. The value of this equity depends on the success of the company, as well as the stock exchange it is listed on. Your returns consist of the increase in value of the equity or the dividend paid out by the company. Through MeSolo, you have access to over 3,000 equities from the biggest stock exchanges worldwide.


By issuing a bond, companies and governments can raise money to fund their own investments. By investing in a bond, you are lending money to said company (corporate bonds) or government (government bonds). The value of the bond is affected by the solvency of the emitter and by market rates. Discover our wide range of global bonds through MeSolo





If you want to follow a stock exchange market or a specific (financial) index, you can opt for an Exchange Traded Fund (ETFs). An ETF consists of a basket of different equities or other investment products. The investment value of your ETF will be closely linked to the market or index performance it follows. Here’s a bonus: through MeDirect, you can buy and sell all of our available ETFs without any transaction costs. Discover our wide range of ETFs through MeSolo.


Invest sustainably

At MeDirect, we think it is important that you can invest in a way that is good for yourself and for the environment. We like to tell you more about sustainable investing.

All in one app

Our app puts you in full control of your finances.


This allows you to withdraw money, buy and sell stocks, bonds, ETFs and funds, and view your portfolio in detail – anytime, anywhere.

Why MeDirect?

Whether you let us manage your money or invest by yourself, we work together with the best partners in the market. We do not have hidden costs and ensure that you know exactly what happens to your money. 

Our customers have

€5 billion

entrusted to us


We work with the best partners in the market