|me> managed

Experts invest on your behalf

We understand that you’d rather spend your time doing other things. That’s why MeManaged lets you let investment experts make decisions for you. They provide you with the assurance that you are investing professionally, without too much effort.

The benefits of MeManaged

Tailor-made for you

Your portfolio is curated by experts on a bespoke basis.

Starting from €100

You can join MeManaged from as little as €100 initial deposit.

With the best partners

We partner with BlackRock,
the world’s largest asset manager, with the aim of helping you achieve your
financial goals.

Four investment profiles

Open a MeManaged account and we will make sure an appropriate investment profile is assigned. This profile determines how your portfolio will be constructed, including the number of stocks due to their higher risk profile.

Maximum 30% stocks

Maximum 50% stocks

Maximum 70% stocks

Maximum 90% stocks

To best respond to the market and match your portfolio to your risk profile, we use the Value at Risk model together with BlackRock. Find out what is unique about this.

Wealth Management from €100!​

With us, you don’t have to own a tonne to enjoy a portfolio managed by experts. MeManaged is a fully digital solution, accessible from €100.

Entrust your investments with our experts​

Our tariffs

Management fee


per year incl. VAT


Finner 2024


Choose MeManaged and entrust your money to our experts.

You can view or adjust your portfolio at any time via our easy-to-use mobile app.

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What is portfolio management?

We would like to explain to you what asset management is. How does it work? What are the benefits? Our Product Manager, Erik explains the details of this investment solution for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly does MeManaged’s Value at risk model entail?

At MeManaged, we help you determine a risk profile that suits you and that you feel comfortable with. Based on this profile, the distribution of (mainly) shares and bonds in your portfolio is determined. Many asset managers use fixed ratios for this. At a higher risk level, your portfolio will contain more equities and at a lower risk level more bonds. These ratios are more or less fixed and linked to the chosen risk level.

With us it's different
BlackRock uses the Value at Risk model. It looks at what part of your portfolio can be affected by fluctuations in the market. When share prices change sharply, more money goes into bonds. Conversely, when the market is calm, more is invested in equities. The ratio between equities and bonds is therefore not fixed, but determined by how volatile the market is.

What are the advantages of this?
Your portfolio better matches how much risk you want to take. If the market is stable, more equities may temporarily suit you better. If the market is turbulent, you may want fewer shares for a while, even though you have chosen a higher risk level. By looking at which part of your investments are really affected by market movements and adjusting the distributions, we can make your portfolio fit your needs well.

Do I receive updates on the performance of my MeManaged account?

You will receive a monthly report with reflections on the market and the outlook for your portfolio. You can also view the performance of your investment at any time via our online banking facilities.

Can I close my MeManaged account or withdraw money?

You can withdraw funds from your MeManaged account at any time via the site or the mobile app, provided you maintain a minimum balance of €100. You can also monetise your MeManaged account at any time. No additional fees are charged for doing so.

Who manages my MeManaged portfolio?

To manage your portfolio, we have partnered up with BlackRock, the world's largest fund manager. Our team of investment experts is in constant contact with BlackRock's fund managers to ensure clients receive the best possible service.

I want to sell my MeManaged portfolio. What steps should I take to do so?

You can sell part of your portfolio at any time and let us invest the remainder - provided it is equal to or more than €2,000. Should you wish to withdraw your entire portfolio, you can do so easily via the online platform or the mobile app. If you withdraw your entire portfolio, the asset management agreement will also be terminated. If you want to start using MeManaged again at a later date, you can have an investor profile drawn up again.

How do I adjust my MeManaged risk profile?

When opening a MeManaged account, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire designed to identify your financial goals, risk tolerance and sustainability preferences. Once these are mapped, an investment profile will be assigned to your account.

You can adjust this profile by re-entering your investor profile in the online environment. If this results in a different outcome from the previously established risk profile, you can make this adjustment to your portfolio.

How many risk profiles does MeManaged offer?

Because not every investor is alike, we offer different risk profiles within MeManaged. Each profile has a different risk, but therefore also a different potential return. In total, you can choose from 4 different risk profiles, ranging from 'defensive' to 'growth'.

This way, we can offer every investor the profile that suits him or her.

Which investments will be invested in on my behalf?

Your portfolio consists of a selection of ETFs. This enables us to apply broad diversification to the portfolio without incurring unnecessary costs. ETFs from iShares are used to fill the portfolio. As one of the largest providers of ETFs in the world, they have a wide range of ETFs on a wide variety of sectors and regions. This allows us to match your portfolio to your needs and current market conditions.

How do I open a MeManaged account?

Opening a MeManaged account is simple. If you are an existing MeDirect customer, log in to the site or via the mobile app, click on MeManaged under Investment accounts and follow the steps. If you are new to MeDirect, go to the MeDirect website and click on Become a customer.

To open a MeManaged account, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire designed to establish your financial goals, risk tolerance and sustainability preferences. Once this questionnaire is completed, your investor profile will be established and the asset management agreement drawn up.

Once the documents are approved, you can start your portfolio with a minimum investment of €100 and activate the option to add monthly contributions to the investment, if required.

How are management fees charged?

Management fees are charged at the end of each quarter (30 March, 30 June, 30 September and 30 December). These fees are automatically withdrawn from your MeManaged account that is part of the MeManaged portfolio.

If this account has insufficient balance, the amount due will be withdrawn from any other MeDirect account. If there is insufficient balance in all available money accounts, we will sell part of the MeManaged portfolio.

You can also choose to have part of the MeManaged portfolio sold by default to cover the management fees due. You can set this yourself by clicking 'Change management fee payment options' when viewing your MeManaged portfolio on the mobile app or online banking platform.

The process outlined above took effect on 16 November 2023. If you have opened a MeManaged account before this date but have not yet updated the management fee options, the fees will be settled by default through the sale of part of your MeManaged portfolio.

Helpful answers

|me> managed, invest with confidence